Hi, I'am Muhammad Abdillah Asyhar
Fullstack Web Developer
High level experience in web development, knowledge, producing quality work
Contact MeAbout Me
My Introduction
5th semester student, Department of Information Systems, Bina Sarana Informatics University. Has a GPA of 3.54 and masters the programming languages ​​JavaScript, Python and PHP.
Experienced in building websites from scratch using the Laravel framework.
Have a persistent and never give up personality. Have good time management. Accustomed to working since semester 3 as a freelance website developer.
My technical levelFrontend developer
More than 4 yearsHTML
85%Boostrap 5
80%Backend developer
More than 4 yearsPHP
100%Codeigniter 3
95%Codeigniter 4
93%Node Js
More than 4 yearsMysql
More than 2 yearsFigma
What i offerUi/Ux
Some projects that have been used

Creating an E-loading Machine Website for PT. Cemerlang Abadi Tekindo
This E-loading Machine website or application is used by companies to find out The process of the goods or products being made has reached which stage or process. So this application or website makes it very easy for companies to monitor work.

Creating an E-Attendance website for PT. Cemerlang Abadi Tekindo
This website or attendance application is used for the attendance process at PT. Cemerlang Abadi Tekindo, to facilitate the ongoing attendance process, on this application or website there are several features, namely the facial recognition feature, GPS location presence feature, two-factor authentication feature and others.
Several college projects that I have made
Create a Bread and Cake Sales Website
This bread and cake sales website was created to make it easier for entrepreneurs operating in the culinary sector, especially in the culinary field of bread and cakes, to speed up their business and sales processes.
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Creating Web Blog Articles Using Laravel
Web Blog This article was created to make it easier for people to share information or get information quickly.
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Creating a Warehouse Inbound Fleet Data Management Web for PT Anugrah Argon Medica
This Data Management Web was created so that the process of receiving incoming goods, especially at the point when recording shipment fleet data from the sending (principal) warehouse, where detailed incoming fleet data recorded in the warehouse security logbook can be accessed by several departments, namely Inbound NDC, Demand Planner, Principal and Finance.
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Creating a Happy Coffee Sales Website Using Laravel
The Kopi Gembira website was created to make it easier for entrepreneurs operating in the culinary sector, especially in the field of coffee sales, to speed up their business and sales processes. In it there are Add Cart Features, Tracking Orders, and Payment Gateway Payments and others
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